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3 easy energy-efficient diy projects for you

3 Easy Energy-Efficient DIY Projects For You

Did you know that making simple changes around our homes can have a huge impact on reducing our carbon footprint and saving money on energy bills? Not only are these projects super fun and rewarding, but they also help us contribute to a more sustainable future!

In an era where environmental consciousness and sustainability are becoming increasingly important, energy efficiency has become a top priority for many homeowners. Not only does it help reduce our carbon footprint, but it also helps save money on utility bills in the long run. While there are numerous energy-efficient products available on the market, DIY projects offer a cost-effective and rewarding way to make your home more energy-efficient. In this article, we will explore a few simple yet impactful DIY projects that can help you save energy and contribute to a greener future.

LED Light Bulb Replacement

Starting on level one, why not change the world with a simple light bulb replacement? Traditional incandescent or CFL light bulbs tend to be very inefficient when it comes to energy usage whereas LED bulbs consume less electricity and last much longer. So, not only are you saving the planet, but also your pockets!

Do keep in mind that not all LED lights work for all as we have our preferences! So, do your research on what LED light works best for you before making the change!

Draft Stoppers

If you love getting creative, making a draft stopper might be the project for you! When you create your very own draft stoppers for your doors and windows, not only are you preventing heat loss during the colder months, but you’re also reducing the need for heating your home.

All it takes is some fabric, a tube, rice, and beans (and maybe some sewing skills!) to create this. Do tag us on Instagram @bethelhardwarenc to show us your creations and we’ll give you a shoutout!


Similar to the draft stopper, weatherproofing is another solution for preventing cold air from entering your home during winter or hot air during summer. All you do is simply apply weatherstripping and caulk around your doors and windows to seal the gaps.

There are different types of weather stripping material, so make sure you use the correct one for your home.

We explored various energy-efficient DIY projects that can easily be incorporated into our daily lives! From installing LED lights and making draft stoppers to weatherproofing our homes, these projects provide practical and cost-effective solutions to reduce our energy consumption.

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